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11 Best Horse Movies to Watch in 2023 — Top Picks and Reviews


Horses are interesting animals that people cannot seem to get enough of. There are hundreds of movies out there that focus on horses but not all are exactly noteworthy. Here are our picks for the best horse movies of all time!divider-horse

The 11 Best Horse Movies

1. Secretariat

Largely based on a novel written in 1975 called “Secretariat: The Making of a Champion,” this film depicts the experiences of a legendary thoroughbred racehorse named Secretariat. This horse won the Triple Crown in 1973 and left behind a legacy that was important enough to bring to life on the big screen. This story is just as much about the owner, Penny Chenery, as it is about the horse.

2. Seabiscuit

Seabiscuit is a horse on the smaller side that has only a small chance of winning any horse race. During the Depression, a car maker decides to follow his dream of racing horses. While working with a team of underdogs, the car maker comes across the long-shot horse, and the two end up making a dynamic pair. The process of preparing for races and competing comes with many emotional highs and lows that should not be missed.

3. The Horse Whisperer

Due to an accident with her best friend and their horses, Grace and her horse are severely injured. The injured couple is traumatized, and people suggest that the disturbed horse be put down. But instead, Grace’s mother hires a horse whisperer who helps both Grace and her horse overcome their trauma.

4. Black Beauty

Black Beauty was born free, but the horse accidentally alerts cowboys of their herd. The horse herd gets rounded up, and Black Beauty is separated from their mother. Black Beauty experiences a deeply emotional encounter with a girl who loses her parents in a car accident. The story is one of glorious life experienced by humans and horses alike and a rewarding afterlife that Black Beauty always knew was accessible.

5. Casey’s Shadow

This story revolves around a man named Lloyd Bourdelle, who wants nothing more than to win a horse racing championship. With a group of other misfits, he meets a special horse.

They get the hope and inspiration they need to make their dreams come true. In the end, the horse shows the humans what is important in life.

6. The Horsemasters

The entire plot of “The Horsemasters” revolves around learning horsemanship in England. The cameras follow a group of students who are yearning to learn how to properly care for and ride horses. Those who are interested in rearing horses should seriously consider checking this film out.

7. Running Free

Taking place in Namibia, West Africa, this story unfolds during World War I, when an Arabian horse gives birth to a foal while traveling to work in copper mines. “Running Free” is about a boy who bonds with the foal when all odds are against them. They grow up together and learn what it means to fight for what is right and to thrive on one’s dreams.

  • Check out Prime Video to watch your favorite horse movies!

8. The Derby Stallion

Zac Efron stars in this movie as Patrick McCardle. He plays baseball only because his dad wants him to. One day, Patrick decides to skip practice and meet with a former jockey named Houston Jones ,who tells him inspiring stories about learning to ride and care for horses. After many ups and downs, a new life of inspiration and fortitude comes to the forefront.

9. Dreamer

Starring Dakota Fanning and Kurt Russel, this film is inspired by the true story of a horse named Marion’s Storm that gets injured. As time goes on, love and faith are what it takes to make this horse get back on their feet again once and for all. “Dreamer” is an emotional feel-good movie that is perfect for the entire family to indulge in.

10. Hidalgo

Written by John Fusco, this story focuses on Frank Hopkins, a legendary American distance rider, and his horse, Hidalgo. They fight together to beat the odds and come out on top. “Hidalgo” is a feel-good movie that will inspire both horse owners and horse enthusiasts alike.

11. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

This animated movie is about a wild stallion named Spirit that lives wild. Set in the 19th century, Spirit does not bend to the will of would-be human captors until he is forced to work on the transcontinental railroad. Eventually, Spirit reunites with old pals who help him escape.

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In Conclusion

There are tons of awesome movies about horses out there to immerse yourself in, but we think that the options on our list are the best of the best. Still, we may have missed a movie that you think should have been listed. Let us know in the comments section!

Featured Image Credit: jacotakepics, Shutterstock

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